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Time : 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
20-03-2025 (Thursday)

Available Seats: 18

Price : $990

At a Glance
  • Course code: Fire Warden Training (Customised)
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Start: 17-03-2025 ~ 23-03-2025
  • Training Location: East Perth

This is a customised training option and is ideally booked to be delivered in your workplace.

We boast an extensive trainer team with ongoing availability each week for company bookings. Our trainers are highly qualified, current industry first responders, providing an added layer of safety for your staff. Participants will learn site-specific fire warden training skills required to operate as part of an Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) and manage small workplace emergencies in compliance with AS3745 – 2010.


Learning how to properly manage emergency evacuations, incidents and hazards are critical aspects of workplace safety.

Essential Training offers customised emergency preparedness training to suit your business needs. Our standard Warden/ECO training covers the theory behind various safety issues and risks as well as best practice for management of such issues.

As part of our evacuation drills, the safety training also covers the correct use of portable firefighting equipment on different classes of fire. Our theory component is complemented by an engaging practical session, where participants have the opportunity to utilise real extinguishers (if required) or to run through various scenarios to control, minimise or assist with managing various workplace emergencies.  

This tailored short course meets Australian Standards (AS3745-2010) that outline the requirements of an Emergency Control Organisation covering important topics such as:

  • An Emergency Control Organisation’s functions and requirements

  • Emergency Plans

  • Emergency Procedures

  • Evaluating Emergencies

  • Evacuation Diagrams and Assembly Points

  • Fire Prevention and Control

  • Preparing for an Evacuation or Lock Down

  • Warden Roles and Responsibilities (including standard procedures)

  • Evacuation Drills and other simulated emergency scenarios

AS3745-2010 requires that emergency preparedness training forms part of your ongoing emergency management and Wardens should be trained regularly to enable them to competently execute their duties. 

The price quoted for this course is per session (not per person). View our course information page or contact us for further details to arrange a booking: Fire Warden Training - Essential Training (